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usage of technology for prisoner distance learners: anadolu
práce na pc - ZŠ Třemošnice
Uluslararası destekli 5.GERİATRİ ve GERONTOLOJİ KURSU
Uluslararası destekli 5.GERİATRİ ve GERONTOLOJİ KURSU 25
7 Issue: 4 Article: 06 ISSN 1309 - International Journal on New
06.Çağrı Tuğrul Mart - Journal of Educational and Instructional
an investigation into foreign language learning anxiety, stress and
Farkında Ol, Farklı Ol!
Poster Bildirilerin Hazirlanmasi, Sunumu ve Yayınlanmasi
Poster Bildiri Sunumu - International Conference on New Trends in
05.Ahmet Akin - Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in
proof startegies preferred by students in the geometry
the development and implementation of a guidance counseling
18- 20 May 2017 Antalya - Turkey
กิรณา จอมคาศรี โวลฟ*,1,2 , มาร์ค อังเดร โวลฟ2 1 พีพีพ