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Turkish PM: Alevi places of worship to get legal status
Turkey: 23 PKK terrorists killed in southeast
Leggi l`appello e esprimi solidarietà inviando i messaggi richiesti!
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Submission to the United Nations Universal
Joint Statement between Japan and Poland
Kelet-Mediterrán háromszög - PTE
Anadolu Agency
Anadolu Agency
ecri report on turkey
Syria`s Assad admits sending weapons to PYD
Anadolu Agency
Daesh not representing Islam, Turkish PM says
Full text - doiSerbia
Metnin Tamamı
TDV DIA - İslam Ansiklopedisi
Daesh Behind `Act of War` on Paris: French President
Mülteci Krizi ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Eksen Kayması Riski
Anadolu Agency
Anadolu Agency
Anadolu Agency
Anadolu Agency
the questıon of cemevı ın turkey türkiyenin cemevi meselesi
Proces pokojowy w Syrii – szansa na zakończenie konfliktu?